I was finally able to complete my 13 mile training walk, but I was way behind the pace required by Disney, so it was not a big surprise to me when I was re-routed on race day and unable to complete the entire race. I still had a GREAT time and I loved every minute of it. I am so glad I did it. It was a very empowering moment when I finished my 13 miles on training day. I was also thrilled to realize that my time for my first 4 miles on race day was a personal record for me.
Sandy, Valeri, Me and Amie
Look how many crazy women were lined up in the dark!!
There were wings every where! Maybe that's what I did wrong.
I should have worn some wings!
Had to take a picture of the Castle.
As soon as I was done, I felt a huge relief lifted from my shoulders. I no longer had to worry, stress, train... I could let my poor flat feet rest...
And so I decided I was going to take SIX weeks off. I was going to get back on my bike, go back to spin classes, maybe hit a few Zumba classes, and cut back my walking to just my dog walks....
and then....
They started a wellness program at work. Volunteers were leading hikes, bike rides, mountain biking, walking, jogging... I looked over the list of options and the times they were available. Bike rides at 12:15pm were not going to work for me, but that jogging class fit my schedule perfectly. And if I'm going to attempt Tinkerbell again, I need to pick up my pace....so I decided I would at least try it.
We meet twice a week and have to complete one more run on the weekends. It's kind of a couch to 5k program so we do walking/jogging intervals.
Day 1 - I thought I was going to DIE!!! Honestly, I finally had to skip one of the jogging intervals or I was definitely going to puke. I chose to walk. Somehow that seemed less humiliating.
Day 2 - I jogged all of the intervals, but I consistently found myself stopping about 5 seconds early.
Day 3 - (Homework) I used my ipod and my own timer and found that I was able to complete all of the jogging intervals. I would look at the timer, see 5 seconds and push through.
Week 2
Day 1 - I'm repeating the same intervals as last week. Not quite ready to move on. I successfully completed all the intervals again and BONUS - I'm no longer quite as sore as I have been. I'm starting to think there might be hope for me. (I did get lapped by the rest of the group that changed intervals though. LOL)
So.. I said I was going to take a break, but it looks like I lied...
Good for you! Stay the course and in no time, you won't need those lucky wings!!!
Dawn I am tired just listening to you! lol! You go girl! :)
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