Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bulletin Race

One of my callings at church is the bulletin. That means I type it up each week, photocopy it and fold it. It would be my favorite calling if it wasn't for the folding part. For some reason, I just don't like folding the bulletin. Lucky for me, I have a kid. I drag him along with me every week and while I still don't like folding the bulletin... he at least makes it entertaining.....

Every week we have a race to see who folds more. Now, if I was smart, I'd let the boy win. But the only thing worse than folding the bulletins, is standing around watching someone else fold we just work fast and get it done....

Every week Josh dreams up some new way to torture me while we fold....this week....he discovered the bell.

Every time he folded a bulletin, he rang the bell. That got old FAST. I tried putting the bell in my pocket, but he just reached around and tapped the bell while it was in my pocket. Of course, it wasn't loud enough or annoying enough so he stole it back. While he was busy, I stole a whole stack of bulletins. The less he has to fold... the less rings of the bell..... That backfired. Then he started ringing the bell after every fold. (we have tri-folded bulletins).

The whole time we were fighting over the bell, I was frantically trying to catch up to him in folds... see, I got a late start and he was ahead...but he didn't know I was still racing.... Suddenly he figured it out and realized that the stack I stole from him would probably put me he stole 3 back....

And guess who 3??? I call for a rematch next week....


Anonymous said...

Hello! I came across your blog while browsing other scrappers/stampers, like me. I am the secretary for our church and of course, I am also in charge of the weekly bulletin. But, we actually have a Folding Machine that does the folding for me! Maybe that can be worked into the church budget to make your life easier! I enjoyed visiting your blog and I will come back!

Adeline E. Brill said...

You've been tagged! Let's have some fun! Check out the rules at

Erin said...

Well, you've been tagged again! you can see my blog at for the details. Love your's by the way, I'm glad that you posted it on the yahoo group.

Kim Burmeister said...

You've been tagged! Go to my website at http://www.clearly for instructions on how to play!

Wow! You are popular...tagged again!

Allie Gower said...

Well I was going to tag you again, but I can see you've been overly tagged!

I thought I would tell you I was a church secretary and I used to have to fold the church bulletin and I did it with my kids on occasion and made it a game as well!

