Then I tried to buy sunchips and they got stuck.
Actually I think I've tried to buy some sort of bagged chip items a couple of times. I think I was successful once.
Why am I walking down onto campus to visit said machine? Well because for some reason the soda machine in our office is always out of diet soda. It's been out for about a month. We kept thinking they'd refill it. Today the situation got serious. It's out of diet and caffeine free diet!!
So I walked down to campus. I had to walk over construction tape to get there. (They said I could. It was either that, or scale a hill in heels.) First I bought a snickers bar. Think what you will...but I'm not tempting fate with any sort of bagged item from the evil machine! Then I went to the soda machine and I pushed the button for diet. Clunk, clunk... one diet coke emerges....clunk, clunk... another diet coke. Cha ching!!!! I am victorious. I have won. I hit the vending machine jackpot. I laughed and jeered at the snack machine as I walked by...
Sadly, I had to clean a section of my desk to find someplace to take this photo.. it's like a bomb went off. Also pictured are these yummy mango flavored pineapple pieces. If I had remembered I had these, I wouldn't have bought that snickers! But flavored pineapple. Why not pineapple flavored pineapple? For $1 a box...these things are absolutely delicious!!!! Notice how the box is open for easy snacking access...
1 comment:
The parking meter at my junior college thinks my nickels are quarters. :)
I had to stop drinking diet coke because I started to get some sort of weird addiction and would drink about 3 or 4 a day. I think it was the aspartame, but could have been the caffeine.
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