Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Local Food? Fresh Food?
I have been fascinated lately with an interesting blog called No Impact Man. I find myself in the middle of the road on the whole global warming, consumer waste issue. I can see strong arguments on both sides of the issue. I tend to be wary to firmly state my opinions in such a public place because I know that I am willing to learn and grow and what I believe today, might be different tomorrow. With that being said, here are some of the things I have been thinking about and pondering.
I am LDS (aka Mormon). We believe in the Word of Wisdom (WOW), which is a kind of health code. Most people know that we don't drink alcohol, coffee or tea and many think it also includes caffeinated sodas. (I drink diet peps1) What is less well known is that it also says that we should eat meat sparingly and eat foods in season. Having that background, I have found the whole eating locally movement very interesting. I have enjoyed reading about how No Impact Man has been adjusting his lifestyle and I find myself contemplating ways I can incorporate some of the same things in my life.
There is no doubt in my mind that it is healthier to eat less processed foods. I have only been back on ww for about two weeks and I can already feel a difference. I have more energy. I feel stronger and healthier. I still eat some processed foods like frozen meals, but I have also incorporated a lot more fresh fruits and vegetables. Face it, when you're hungry and you have a choice between 5 or 6 little crackers that you can inhale in less than a minute, or an apple... apple wins.
So here are some things I have pondered:
Is it better to pack a lunch in a reusable container which has to be washed, or put veggies in little snack bags?
Is it better to make multiple trips to the grocery store to purchase fresh ingredients or use energy to keep frozen foods frozen?
If I were to use reusable grocery bags, could I actually remember to take them to the grocery store? How many should I buy? Is carrying them around in my car going to annoy me?
And is there some kind of remedial course I could take that would teach me how to keep fruit and veggies longer? What makes celery wilt? Where should I store mushrooms? (love them, but it's a constant battle to use them up before they get slimy? Do the drawers in the fridge that say "low moisture" and "high moisture" really work? Which food goes in which? What if I switched the placement of the drawers at some point in time?
And that's just the surface of all of my questions. Feel free to comment and leave suggestions... but please.... no preaching or critisizing.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday Night Gym Woes
Call it pride, but I did not want anyone to think this was my first time at the gym, so I quickly pushed the quick start button like I knew what I was doing and I started walking. I guess you could call it walking. At one mph it felt more like I was filming a scene in slow motion. Hmmm..maybe this is just the warm-up and it will slowly increase speed. One minute later and I am still going 1 mph. I start pushing buttons. Where is the stinking speed button? The girl on the treadmill next to me seemed fun and she was chatting with the girl next to her so I sucked it up and said "ok, I'm a dork and I never use the treadmill. How do I increase the speed?"
Turns out I'm a good judge of character. She and her friend were both hiliarious and they showed me the BIG GIANT button. I'm not kidding it was HUGE!!!
I lasted 10 minutes on the torture device and went to stand in line for my friend the elliptical. I wish I could say it was a better experience.
Why is it that we have a whole row of brand new treadmills and yet it looks like we also accumulated a bunch of old style ellipticals? I hate the Life Fitness ellipticals and love the Precor ones...guess which one I got.
Let's hope Tuesday works out better!
Monday, July 23, 2007
National Stamping Day and Month!!!
And let's face it, it's about time we had a National Stamping Day!
Close To My Heart did all the legal paperwork and they actually own the rights to National Stamping Day and National Stamping Month. Now all we have to do is plan the party! Too cool!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Leadership Conference - Day One
And once you're standing... and you're in a circle... you definately have to do the "wave"
Then we split up into our color groups and headed out to the beach for a warm-up activity.The rest of day one was too exciting to photograph! (that's my excuse for forgetting to take pictures...welll that and I've never quite succeeded at taking good photos indoors when there is bad lighting)
When we entered the room for the opening ceremony we were greeted with Christmas Music. Of course some were so busy chatting and greeting that it took them a really long time to notice that there was Christmas music and Christmas trees (Hi Chris!) But there was no denying the Christmas theme once Santa's Elves came out. The corporate staff came out dressed like elves and did the most adorable dance! It was hilarious. And if the elves are there..... then surely it must be time for presents from THE woman of the house...Mrs. Claus. And boy was Mrs. Claus generous!!!!!
We got our new catalog, learned about all the fun new products and upcoming campaigns and everyone in the room got a copy of our new book Imagine!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
DVR Blues
My schedule is busy this week and I can't meet them until Thursday. Oh the drama!! I have forgotten how to watch tv without pause, rewind, fast forward and record. Josh and I keep picking up the remote and pretending like we're pausing or fast forwarding. It seems like such a waste of time when I have to sit through commercials. And then there's the fact that I rarely sit through them. I usually play a game with myself where I have to go clean during commercials... then I get sidetracked and forget to go back and I miss crucial plot points. Oh woe is me....
What will I do without So you think you can Dance? I'm not sure I even know when it actually starts. I usually just watch it whenever I get home.... And shh... don't tell... but I actually watched an episode of Big Brother and then set the DVR to start taping it...
Oh well... I guess I just might have to get a life and ignore the tv for a while.
There is one silver lining. The new dvr won't be set to tape all of hubby's shows. "Oh, so sorry honey, no discovery channel shows for you. Darn. Shucks."
Bwa ha ha ha haaaaaa (One could think I sabotaged said DVR just so that I could record chick flicks and Oprah instead of Dirty jobs and discovery channel)
Work out girl is back
What has sidetracked me this time?
Hubby was home for a few days. (Who can blame me for that one!)
Rather than drive home, only to have to leave again to pick Josh up from work, I've been hitting the gym! Woo hoo!
And since I started going to the gym, I figured it was time to bite the bullet and join ww again. I say again, but really this is the first time I've actually joined and gone to a meeting. (I joined online once before.) I even stepped on a scale for them. Very scary!
Last night I called hubby on my way home from the gym and said "I'm back! The girl who loves to work out is back in charge!" Up until last night I felt like I could barely get through my workout. My heart rate went up faster. I felt slow and uncomfortable. But the human body is an amazing thing! After one week, my heart rate dropped. I dropped a bunch of water weight and it felt good to work out again. I still have a ways to go, but at least the journey is enjoyable again.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Live Earth Love and a mini rant
I guess that's where I get my eclectic taste. I'll listen to just about anything. I never dismiss an entire genre of music.... so Live Earth was definately my "cup of tea."
This Saturday I turned on Live Earth and the sun was shining in the windows and before I knew it, I was cleaning like a mad woman! I went through boxes of junk and did some major decluttering. It felt so good! I absolutely loved all the different music and bands that came on throughout the day. I absolutely loved the scientist band in Antarctica - Nanutuk. I loved all the different stages featuring recycled materials and all the "green" tips that were shared throughout the day. It was a fun music loving, cleaning house day....
Well except for Melissa Etheridge... she completely annoyed me and her tirade about democracy was completely out of place. This was not about America or American politics and while I don't entirely agree with everything the movement was about... I do feel there are many areas where we can all improve. I learned many useful tips that I will incorporate into my life and felt the "Live Earth Love" and was being succesfully indoctrinated until she came out and spewed her ridiculous comments. Then I started wondering... hmm... if I unplug my charger from the wall when it's not being used....would it even make a dent in all the waste that she and her buddy Al Gore generate? I wonder how much his son wasted on his 105 mph jaunt when he was "wasted."
And... I wonder if she even thought about the fact that if everyone sat around relaxing in the 80's instead of working "too hard" and dreamt about ways to build flying cars... would we have had all the incredible medical advances that saved her life? Me thinks it's probably a good thing all the doctors were working hard instead of sitting around in hemp clothes smoking pot and dreaming about ways to save the environment." I would say maybe it wasn't... but the same advances that saved her life have saved many others too and I wouldn't dream of saying it wasn't worthwhile.
Friday, July 06, 2007
A Perfect 4th
We got up bright and early and headed to church at 6:30 to set-up for the annual pancake breakfast. Then I headed home for a nap...yea right. I tried, but it never really happened. Instead I dropped Josh of with some friends, went to the grocery store and headed over to Candace's. Candace has a gorgeous back yard and pool and I rarely go out and enjoy it. Usually we're too busy stamping... but I have been craving some sunlight. Every time I go to lunch, I wish I had a reclining lawn chair that I could just put out on the lawn so I could relax and soak up the sun.... Well today, my wish came true!
Instead of stamping, I took a break from everything and I swam and hung out in the jacuzzi and played wii. It was so much fun.... how much fun, you ask?
At one point I came into another room after playing wii and Sheila said "you sounded just like a teenager out there."
Hmmm... I'm going to assume she meant it as a compliment.... We were laughing and carrying on. Last time I played, I was an awesome bowler. This time, I created this incredible hook. Everyone had suggestions about how to cure it. I tried it all and nothing worked. Every once in a while I'd compensate and get a strike or a spare, but when Dalton showed up he said "I didn't think you could only knock down one pin." Thanks Dalton! I feel better now that I know I educated you on how bad someone can bowl.
I left the party around 7:45 and met up with Josh and his friends to watch fireworks. We found the perfect spot this year and we could actually see them going off on the ground. Once they were over we jumped in the car and got out of there fast!! I was home by 10!
A perfect day!!
Here's a picture I took while I was waiting to meet Josh. I got there early, so I pulled out my scriptures and read in the car. It was so beautiful and quiet!!