Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Friend, the Centurian

Well it's lunchtime and I came here to post a quick update about our MLK ride, but first I had to download the pictures...and then I finally looked at Jane's pictures from Saturday and I realized I have to tell that story first. So hold on, if I can type fast enough, there might be two cycling posts today!

My friend Jane rode 100 miles on her bike on Saturday! You may recall that she is the instigator and she finds these crazy rides and then somehow she talks us into doing them with her. She tried, valiantly, to get us to ride a portion of this ride with her, but I think she finally found the point where our sanity takes hold. Even the first 25 miles had way more climbing than I could do....

And so.... she did it ALONE!

Jane's working on creating her own blog, so I don't want to tell her story for her, but I just want to share with all of you how incredibly proud I am of her and share a few pictures.

This is a picture, looking down on a hill she just came up!!! I can't even imagine it.

Thankfully she found someone to take a picture of her since her buddies bailed on her.

Jane and Braxton showing off the jersey that says "5000 feet of climbing"

And while we didn't join her on the ride, we did don our pink ride like a girl shirts, buy balloons and a giant Hello Kitty cupcake and surprise her with a little celebration. (She was wearing the pink Hello Kitty shirt when we got there!)
Jane's son was overheard to say "My mom's posse was here..." Yep, that's us...her cycling "posse," and we are so incredibly proud of her!! Go Jane!! Maybe next year I'll join you. Oh wait, let me go look at that first picture again....

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