Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thank You Patti

Ok, so I've been blogging for years. I started with a blog on another site and I absolutely loved getting comments, even when they disagreed with me. Since my other blog was anonymous, I didn't bring my readers with me to the new blog and I truly miss my comments. Comments allowed me to connect with other bloggers. I could click on their profile and check out their blog. I found some of the greatest blogs that way.

I kind of figured the reason why I didn't get many comments here was because I have had a hard time being consistent about posting. Then I thought maybe nobody was reading. Well lo and behold... I had the comments turned off. Ooops.

Thank you Patti for letting me know! But now I'm afraid. What if I get no comments. Haha...Should I beg? (Of course I am the worst blog commenter, especially on blogs that get a ton of comments. I figure they don't really want one more...right?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this mean I can leave comments now? I miss reading your blog on DD, hope all is good with you and the family.