Now hop on over to Melissa Burch's blog to see what she came up with!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
January SOTM Blog Hop
Now hop on over to Melissa Burch's blog to see what she came up with!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Photos and Layouts
They are "they" who somehow coordinate the entire family to wear THE perfect clothes for Christmas. Matching pajamas. Matching outfits. Matching Ties. And, as if that's not enough..... the scrapbookers take it one step further and make sure it matches their PAPER.
But wait. There's hope for the rest of us. Even though I do have a blouse that I think would work perfect with our Jingle paper, I haven't quite figured out how to get the inlaws to make sure their outfits would work too. So here's the plan.... Are you ready?
Black and White Photos! Oh sure, you can print a few in color if you want, but with the click of a button in pretty much any photo software... you can convert them to black and white.
So if you're rushing around with last minute shopping and you don't realize until you see your photos later forgot the matching pjs and your pictures are color gaggers...just sip some hot chocolate. Click a button and all will be well!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Day 5 - Christmas Blog Blitz - Got Candy?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Day 4 - Christmas Blog Blitz
I'm almost embarassed to say how long I have had this in my stash (Item Z1198). It was so easy and so much fun to embellish that now I am hooked and I already ordered another one....
My inlaws bought us tickets to fly out during Christmas break so I thought it would be a good idea to create something to document the trip. My plan is to take some family pictures the first couple of days we are there, then get them printed and add them to this before we leave.
I precut some journaling squares and stamped images to add around the pictures so that all I have to bring with me is a paper trimmer and adhesive. I like the idea of leaving them some instant memories and now they won't have to wait for me to send them pictures later!
It's an accordian display/book - above is the first set of pages and below is the second set.
And here is the inside stretched out a bit.
Here are the two pages that are on the back
The back side stretched out shows a view of the front cover and the back cover.
All together there are 8 surfaces you can scrapbook.
9x9 My Creations Memory Showcase (also available 6x6)
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Day 3 - Christmas Blog Blitz - Got Take Out?
There are two sizes of containers pictured here. The decorated ones are about 5x7 and I bought them at Smart and Final. You get a package of 3 for $2.89. The package of containers has three that are approx 6x9 and I found them at the Dollar Tree!! At my dollar three they have a large section of disposable cooking trays and they are not in the same place. These were actually on another look closely.
- Fudge
- Brownies
- Cake
- Cookies
- Pan cookie
- Coffee Cake
- Pecan Tarts (my specialty)
- Enchiladas
- Tamales
- Casserole
- Your famous.........
Tomorrow I'll give you a peek at a gift I made for my inlaws. There's a reason I'm their favorite Daughter-in-law. :-)
Monday, November 30, 2009
December Blog Hop/Day 2 Christmas Blitz
Products Used:
Stamps - D1378 Notice the Details. It would be really cute to use the little arrow and the other stamps in the set to stamp on the calendar too!!
Inks - Cocoa, Sorbet and Tulip
Paper - X7100B Perfect Day
Great stocking stuffer or gift for a co-worker!
Now hop on over to Karen's blog to see what she has come up with.
And be sure to check back tomorrow for Day 3 of the Christmas Blog'll never look at take-out containers the same way again.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Day 1 - Christmas Blog Blitz
Got Camera? and 3 Day Fun!
And back to my 3 day pictures!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
November SOTM Blog Hop
If you came from Michelle's're on the right path. Check out my tips and ideas for the Around the Block set and then scroll down and follow the link to see who's next on the blog hop.
As always, the stamp of the month is only available this month. You can purchase it at full price or get it for a discount or free based on your qualifying order. Email me or check out my website for all the details!!
Hubby is home this week so I waited until the last minute to play with this set and I wish I had started earlier! I have tons of ideas floating around in my head for it now...but I didn't have time to put them into action. :-)
Here's my first project...
I used the Grace paper pack and stamped the house in cocoa on one of the texture papers. I used chalks to add some color to the house.
You could use this card to invite a friend over, congratulate someone on a new house, welcome someone home....
Next up: Gift Bag
Great way to share a housewarming gift, welcome a new neighbor or simply say from my house to yours....
Tips and Ideas:
Since the roof is separate you can make your house short or tall. I made the house on the gift bag a little bit shorter by stamping the roof on a separate piece of paper and paper piecing it.
Use the set for a home improvement or new house layout.
Make a welcome home goodie bag for someone who has been away for a while.
Make a little goodie box and send it off to your favorite college student - Love from home...
Make a gift card holder and put a card for a home improvement store inside....
See...the ideas are endless!!!
Now it's time to hop on over to Jessica's Blog to see what she came up with.
Here's a complete list of consultants who are participating in case their are broken links or you get a little lost on the hop....
Jena DeVries
Helen Onulak
Carla Ironside
Cindy Leek
Laurie Levnik
Krista Ritskes
Kathleen Androlewicz
Paige Dolecki
Shannon Pelletier
Jody Gustafson
Laura Dame
Terrie Dodd
Lori Brown
Cibele Glazer
Caren Goldsein
Traci Godbee
Dawn Ross
Maricar Harris
Jamia Bankhead
Laurie Newton
Nona Davenport
Tanya David
Sheila Bennett
Melissa Laverty
Amy Edwards
Lori Leng
Kristie Herdener
Jill Lucas
Adeline E. Brill
Michelle Nist
Dawn Heuft
Jessica Booth
Susan Brooks
Sarita Schraeder
Katy Donaldson
Mary Eisen
Deb Young
Haley Dyer
Kimberly Smith
Barbra Otten
Tammy Lea Pinchard
Nancy Brown
Karen Norman
Judy Burger
Sylvia Jacquot
Brae Montgomery
Pamela O'Connor
Antoinette Herrin
Debra Van Patten
Jen Patrick
Wendy Kessler
Beth Naumann
Misty Jackson
Brenda Harmless
Amy McVey
Linda Shewchuk
Chris Shouse
Pam Klassen
Michelle Bourlet
Jen Rubio
Wanda Riley
Lori Miller
Carol Taggio
Tracy Oleksak
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Back to Biking....
I couldn't make this stuff up. If you see me in person, check and see if you see a little black cloud following around behind me. LOL!
So anyway... I rode a couple of times last week. I took it easy and was picked up part way through so that I could get back in the hang of it. Then yesterday I rode the whole way home for the first time and it was absolutely amazing!!!! It felt so good. From the moment I got on the bike, I felt great. I felt strong. I felt invincible. It was one of those PERFECT rides when everything goes well. I struggled a bit up the last rise, but I made it....without stopping!!
Of course a couple of hours later, after the adrenalin wore off, my body reminded me that I'm 42 and out of shape. I was feeling pretty sore. I'm still a little sore today, but I'm looking forward to another great ride home.
Perhaps my PERFECT ride was the beginning of a better kind of "fun?" I'm thinking it might be.....
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bridge to Tarabithia

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dear's time to go already
Could it be because my husband got really, really sick and had to go to a hospital in Wyoming? The only thing worse than listening to a man whine, moan and groan because he is sick when he is at home.... is to listen to them whine, moan and groan when they are hundreds of miles away and you're worried about them and there's nothing you can do but pray.
Now, I'm not entirely sure when that fun began. It could've been in September, but the fall-out from it continues to haunt us in October. You see, when a truck is not moving because the driver is sick...well... nobody makes any money. And when it takes over two weeks to deliver a load that should've taken less than one week.... You get the picture....
So hubby's return to the living wasn't instantaneous. Think about the last time you got really, really sick.... remember how the first few days you just didn't have any energy. Yep, that was poor hubby...
So hubby FINALLY gets back on track and starts moving some freight around the country when...he gets sucked into the Bermuda Triangle that hosts his home terminal. And then he heard those wonderful words... "You get a brand new truck!" Woo Hoo... happy times. But wait... While you are here... you have to pee in a cup and take a bunch of safety tests and we have to hook up your qualcomm and your inverter and 5 days later he finally heads out of the terminal and guess what... we're not going to pay you for your extended stay. (Still fighting that one!)
And then.... the BRAND NEW TRUCK... broke down!!! And then.... we had to foot the bill for the hotel (at some point we will be reimbursed, but apparently not right away... stilll fighting that one!) But wait, it gets better... You know when he was moving freight around the country, supposedly making money. Um yeah, you have to turn the paper work in in order to get paid... and when you and the paperwork are stranded on the side of the road with no where nearby to turn in the paperwork? Yeah, it sits in your truck...unpaid.....
Meanwhile what's going on on the home front. Let's check shall we? Hmmm... First the washer broke. Then the car started spontaneously leaking radiator fluid and that's never a good thing. So let's spend more money on a rental car and then let's pay for a new water pump. (Thankfully we have a great mechanic that saved the day and a ton of money!)
Fun, fun, fun.... and so I say Hurry up October and be on your way... and take all your fun "treats" with you. pretty, pretty please? I've had enough....
Good thing Joshua and I have been reading Dave Ramsey and taking our lunch and avoiding all un-needed expenses!!!!! Otherwise I'd probably be crying while I wrote this instead of shaking my head at the fun we've been having.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
October SOTM Blog Hop
If you came here from Susan's blog, you're on the right track. Check out what I have to share, then scroll down for the link to the next blog. I hope you get inspired and find lots of ways to use this months stamp of the month. Need a consultant? Stop by my website to get all the info on how to add this set to your collection.
I kept things sweet and simple this month. Christmas can be hectic so I like to show some quick and easy ways to add a little something to the gifts you share with friends, family and coworkers.
Here's a little bag topper. I filled the bag with cookies, but you can fill it up with candy, cocoa, cookies, little gifts...
Now hop on over to Shannon's Blog to see what she came up with!
This month we broke our big blog hop group up into smaller groups to make it more manageable. There are 20 talented ladies in my group....but if you need more ideas than we can share, stop by Jena's blog to and scroll down to see links to the other two groups. Enjoy!
A View from my walk....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Biking, Stamping, Dog Walking..oh and Working
After a bit of a struggle getting back into a nice schedule, I've fallen in love with cycling again. Last year was all about riding farther and faster and better. It was about getting the right equipment and the constant struggle to keep up with my friends. This year? I kind of floundered for a while after my little bike gang went through some growing pains. One dropped us like a hot potato (guess we aren't good enough to ride with her anymore....) The other is struggling through some health issues. Which left me.
It's a little harder to motivate yourself to ride when you're not meeting someone else or trying to keep up with someone else. It is so easy to say it's too hot. I'm too tired. I have too much to do. Hubby is home this week. I need to walk the dog and I don't have enough energy to do both.
I used all of those excuses so much that I felt like I was right back at square one. How can I possibly ride the whole way home? It's soooo far... I cheated a few times by meeting Josh at the 6 mile mark. I kind of liked that commute. It was easy! For me commuting has always been this BIG thing. Something I had to conquer. But that 6 mile commute? Piece of cake! It was fun.
Finally I decided I needed to suck it up and stop cheating. The first day I was sore. Second day? Not so much. Now? I'm loving it. I go at a nice easy pace. I'm not trying to get faster or better. I'm just riding home and enjoying myself. There is no competition. I don't feel bad because I'm so much slower than everyone else. I just ride... and guess what?
I am getting faster anyway!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Day Two of Spook Fest....
I had sooo much fun making this and it went together in minutes! This started out as a simple wood piece (2 3/4 x 7 1/8). I just glued my paper directly to the wood. Easy, Peasy!! So easy...that I'm already dreaming up a Thanksgiving and Christmas one! The best part? The kit for this is only $2. How cool is that? Leave a comment or email me if you want one!
Close To My Heart Supplies:
Enchanted Paper Pack
Spooky Smiles
Autumn Terracotta Ink
Black Ink
Chocolate Ink
Sponged with Pansy Purple Ink
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009
September Stamp of the Month - Blop Hop
Treasures is a set of 13 stamps and is only available from your Close To My Heart consultant from September 1-30. If you're my customer or you need a consultant, check out all the details about this month's stamp of the month on my website StampTilDawn. Feel free to leave me a comment or email me if you have any questions! I'm great at helping you maximize your rewards and benefits!!
If you came here from Cindy Leek you are on the right path!
Now on to the fun....
Since September is National Stamping Month I thought I'd take a step back in time and feature some Random Stamping! Random stamping is a great way to create your own unique background paper to use for scrapbooks or cards and this set is perfect for it.
Start with your largest image and the color you want to be most prominent.
Then fill in with some of the smaller images and sayings.
Add more interest by sponging in some color
Now that you have your gorgeous paper ready, you can cut it up to make a variety of projects. Here are a few things I whipped up.
I hope you enjoyed this stop on the hop! Be sure to subscribe to my blog and leave me comments. I love comments!!!!
Next stop is Barbara Harris
Broken Link? Lost on the Hop? Here's a complete list of participants.
Jena DeVries
Nona Davenport
Katy Donaldson
Cibele Glazer
Laura Dame
Lori Leng
Jamia Bankhead
Melissa Laverty
Pamela OConnor
Sheila Bennett
Adeline E. Brill
Wendy Kessler
Beth Naumann
Barbra Otten
Terrie Dodd
Judy Burger
Jessica Booth
Leisa Hubley
Helen Onulak
Debra Van Patten
Juli Clark
Sarita Schraeder
Michelle Robinson
Maricar Harris
Antoinette Herrin
Kathleen Androlewicz
Cindy Leek
Dawn Heuft
Barbara Harris
Alanna Moses
Laurie Levnik
Tanya David
Karen Norman
Jan Moxey
Tammy Lea Pinchard
Paige Dolecki
Kelly Triggs
Sherry Thompson
Deb Young
Nancy Ball
Chris Shouse
Dawn Ross
Brae Montgomery
Laurie R Newton
Haley Dyer
Carol Taggio
Amy McVey
Carla Ironside
Jen Rubio
Kristie Horness-Herdener
Jill Lucas
Wanda Riley
Miranda Kurz
Jody Gustafson
Susan Brooks
Kami Welter
Jennifer Patrick
Julia Menssen
Shannon Pelletier
Linda Shewchuk
Brenda Harmless
Donni Alvarenga
Nancy Brown
Traci Godbee
Pam Klassen
Lori Miller
Kimberly Smith
Caren Goldsein
Misty Jackson
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Sneak Peek Blog Hop!
29 Fabulous Close To My Heart consultants are celebrating the release of our Autumn/Winter 2009 Idea Book by giving you a sneak peek of some of the great products available starting September 1st. If you have come here from Wendy's Blog, you are on the right path!
The first thing I look for when we get a new Idea Book is... a bicycle stamp!! And finally my search has been rewarded. I never thought to specify what size bicycle I wanted when I turned in my new image wish list, so I guess I'll have to be happy with this teeny tiny bicycle. It's kind of cute, huh
Paper Pack - Twitterpated
Ink - Chocolate
Ribbon - Chocolate. I used this one because it kind of looked like a road. :-)
Since not everyone is probably as excited by the bicycle as I am... I thought I'd show you a couple more samples using the Neighborhood stamp set.
I added Crystal Blue and Sweet Leaf inks to the products I used on the first card and this time I used a template from the Wishes book. One thing I love about the card templates is that you can turn the card to create a little different look.
I hope you've enjoyed my little sneak peek. Be sure to come back on September 1st to see the Stamp of the Month blog hop!
Now "Hop" on over to Carla's Blog
**Link not working? Missed a Blog? Here is a list of all the participants inthe New Product Sneak Peek Blog Hop!
Erin Herring
Terrie Dodd
Leisa Hubley
Karen Norman
Sherry Thompson
Adeline Brill
Brae Montgomery
Wendy Kessler
Dawn Heuft
Carla Ironside
Dawn Ross
Julie Banzon
Jody Gustafson
Helen Onulak
Sheila Bennett
Haley Dyer
Lisa Stenz
Jena DeVries
Jen Patrick
Amy Schultz
Lori Scott
Tresa Black
Jennifer Kraynak
Sharesa Larsen
Amy Edwards
Jean McNulty
Emma Hubert
Antoinette Herrin
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Getting Ready for National Stamping Month!
The New Catalog is here and I've been frantically working on fun samples and surprises for my customers! The card above is what I made using some of the leftover pieces from the National Stamping Month card kit special!!! Wait until you see the 16 cards that you're supposed to make.
And...I've been busy making baby shower gifts. All of the sudden it's baby central around here. I had to wait until I gave away the gift so here's a little peek at the tag book album I made for Sara and baby Kylee. It turned out so cute and I had so much fun making it!! Now all the new mommy has to do after Kylee add some adorable pictures and then show them to all of us at work!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Another Birthday Card...
How cute would it look to have a cake with enough layers to go all the way up a 12 x 12 scrapbook page? You could put as many layers as they are old...10, 15..... Who needs candles? Let them eat cake!
But if you do want candles, lots and lots of candles... You could get tired stamping them one by one. This adorable set has 4 candles in it so you can stamp four at a time! Whew.
Scrapbooking the Trip - River Float
I used
X7110B Back Country Level 2 Paper Pack
Z1158 Dimensional Elements In Color - Adventure
Adapted a layout from the Imagine book
Cut the letters for the title with the Cricut
Maisy and the August Make and Take

Saturday, August 01, 2009
August SOTM Blog Hop
This month we have 64!! Close To My Heart Consultants sharing their creations. This is how it works.... at the end of each post, click on the link for the next person on the hop and then just hop around the internet and get tons of great ideas using this month's stamp of the month! Here we go!
I love this stamp set and have just started to scratch the surface of what I plan to create...but here's a couple of things to get you started....
Colors - Twilight, Buttercup and Sweet Leaf
I used the base of the present to create the fun background. How cool is that?!! Love it!!
The saying is tied with Sassy Strands
You can't tell in the photograph, but I added Liquid Glass to the candles, stripes and polka dots and cake platter.
The card design is from Wishes.
Paper Pack - Good Times
Ink - Chocolate, Twilight, Sweet Leaf, Buttercup
Now "Hop" on over to Kelly's Blog to see her work! Be sure to visit all the Consultants to get some great crafting ideas! Remember, the August SOTM is only available until August 31! Contact your CTMH Consultant (or click here) to see how you can get this stamp set at a discount or even free.
If you get lost on the hop or find links that aren't working, here is a complete list of participating blogs
Jena DeVries
Kristie Horness-Herdener
Carla Ironside
Deb Young
Alanna Moses
Paige Dolecki
Wendy Kessler
Heather Painchaud
Helen Onulak
Barbra Otten
Haley Dyer
Nona Davenport
Michelle Robinson
Cindy Leek
Melissa Laverty
Katy Donaldson
Amy McVey
Tammy Lea Pinchard
Leslie Markland
Judy Burger
Laurie R Newton
Kami Welter
Tracy Oleksak
Karen Norman
Chris Shouse
Cibele Glazer
Debra Van Patten
Terrie Dodd
Jamia Bankhead
Anne Beck
Jennifer Patrick
Laurie Levnik
Lori Miller
Brae Montgomery
Dawn Ross
Dawn Slipcevic
Barbara Harris
Carol Taggio
Jill Lucas
Chris Green
Nancy Ball
Dawn Heuft
Kelly Triggs
Beth Naumann
Antoinette Herrin
Jessica Booth
Jen Rubio
Misty Jackson
Adeline E. Brill
Lori Leng
Pam Klassen
Pamela OConnor
Jennifer Royal
Caren Goldsein
Shannon Pelletier
Sherry Thompson
Maricar Harris
Traci Godbee
Laura Dame
Miranda Kurz
Leisa Hubley
Julia Menssen
Jan Moxey
Jody Gustafson
Monday, July 20, 2009
Am I the last to know?
I'm usually skimming through google reader at a mile a minute. Have five minutes and want to read my cycling stuff. Ready. Set. Go.
Need stamping inspiration so must read CTMH sisters blogs. Ready. Set. Go.
Last week I vaguely recall noticing that someone "liked" something. You know, like in facebook. The little "like" button. But I was in a hurry and on some kind of reading mission and I just barely registered it in my brain.
Finally I thought, I have to find this thing called "like." And have you seen it? It's at the bottom of every post in google reader!! You cannot imagine the joy this brings to my heart. I often feel pangs of guilt because I rarely leave comments on blogs I read in reader. It's just too much trouble to go to the blog. But now, now I can "like" to my heart's content!!! I can tell them I read their entry and I "like" it. Woo Hoo!!
But now enquiring minds want to know... Does it notify the blog owner? Will they know I liked it? or is it just fellow google reader fans that will share that joy?
Great weekend at my house!! A wonderful crop with my tried and true customers that show up even when I haven't been in "stamp mode" and barely made an effort to let people know I was still having a crop. We enjoyed the a/c and fun company and laughter. Great times!!
Josh scored two goals in his soccer game Friday night!
Hubby came home on Friday! (That was a miracle and a story in and of itself. Maybe he'll blog it?!)
And Sunday we went to church and then met some friends at their house in IB and walked down to the sandcastle competition.
I only have a 15 minute break to write this entry so here are the highlights.
- Cindy said it was 12 blocks to the beach
- She lies! It was 1.7 miles
- Candace and I can truly make friends with anyone and jump in strangers cars!
- I guess that means Candace and I probably only walked 1 mile there.
- We walked the whole way back and the icepack on my foot is proof.
- The sandcastles were a little disappointing this year.
- The crowds were a bit overwhelming.
- Our friends are hilarious and we had another great adventure with them.
- Yummy food! Snickerdoodle muffins?
- Cindy was the hostess with the mostest. (Thank you Darryl and Cindy)
- Had to go to Otay to drop of Rick's trip packs (so he can get paid!!!)
- The 125 toll road from Otay costs $4.50.
- It only took us 24 minutes to get from Otay to El Cajon!!